Monday, October 18, 2010

Wow! It's really been that long??

Hi Everyone!  I can't believe I haven't written since August??   What have I been doing??   Well I have to say I have been enjoying my time with Emelia!  

But lets start with the cancer stuff.   Today I am on my 10th dose of Taxol/Herceptin combo.  2 more to go of taxol.   The worse part is how long it takes and that I miss Emelia!  The best part is my mom takes me and we have fun talking.  She is the best!  Never complains and I know how boring it is to just sit there.  Thanks mom!   Second.. I usually take a little nap while there.   The meds make me sleepy!  But it's a good time to rest.   We haven't brought Emelia yet because it's too long of a day. But we will in November when it's only 1.5 hours instead of 4.    As for side effects...  I am handling the chemo pretty well.  I have some tingling in my feet , usually at night when I'm in bed is when i notice it.  But it doesn't bother me too much.  My hair just recently started to fall out again.. little at a time.   It was growing for a while!    2 weeks ago or so  i had the worse side effect!   My taste buds changed and a great red wine tasted horrible!!  But i have found some cheaper ones that taste good.   So i'm ok!     

The plan for the next few months...   2 more doses of taxol/herceptin.  And then i switch to every 3 weeks of herceptin only.  That will go until August 2011.   Long way away..    In december I will have the mastectomy.  Which i have accepted but still not ready for.  I just hate that I have to lose my breast.  I think it's harder to accept because I dont feel sick or feel like i have this deadly disease.   But I do.  So I will. 

I think I will have a Bye Bye Boobie party in early december to help deal with the surgery!  A lot of women do a party before the mastectomy and since I love to throw parties.. why not!  You know I can make it a fun time..  Boobs is a great theme!

Ok next post will be about Babies!!